Mobile Customer Relationship Management (mCRM)

A business tool to improvise business.

Monthly Subscription Plans

mCRM Standard

Rs. 1199/Month

3 Active users

mCRM Business

Rs. 3500/Month

10 Active users

mCRM Business+

Rs. 9500/Month

25 Active users

mCRM Enterprise

Rs. 27500/Month

75 Active users

Manage Customer

Buyer persona is the key to sales success. Knowing customer and their interest is always a compitative advantage for a business. This application will not only keep the customer information. Over the period of time this application will do deep learning and will suggest business what is need next. Can you imagine how wonderfull it be if system will suggest the users interest at large!!!

Increase Sales

Increasing sales is the ultimate goal of any business. imagine if the system will tell and alert when there is an action needed to satisfy the client. Isn't it awesome?. Integrating support, customer, account and business intelligence this application will drive the sales. Even your cold calls are prefessionally managed. Discover new prospects, research, negotiate and sales. So is to empower your sales force.

Integrate Account

Combining sales force, business intelligence and the company account, this system will let you know the status of your business in your fingertips in real time. The age we are in today, top level decision has not been this quicker ever. Without the system like this, it's not possible to for business to success as businesses are depends upon the data in today's world. So real time data insight with accounting is the key on this software.